Which exercise program is right for you?

Not all bodies are made the same and neither are fitness classes.
an illustration of a girl working out

Not all bodies are made the same and neither are fitness classes.

According to Tableau Public, the percentage of adults over 18 who met the Physical Activity Guidelines for both aerobic and muscle strengthening activities was 23%. So just under a quarter of all adults in the US are engaged in both aerobic and strengthening fitness routines.

And, look, I know what you’re thinking. There are just so many fun exercises to choose from, you don’t know which ones to follow through on. Or you just don’t have the time. And, hey, look, we get it. There are a lot to choose from, for sure, and time can feel like it’s just wasting away out there.

But we believe that being physically active doesn’t have to look or sound a certain way. What’s important is finding the right groove for yourself to get the best health results possible.

Don’t believe us?

  1. Benefits of physical activity
  2. How to prepare your workout space
  3. Exercise programs
  4. Which exercise is right for me?

Benefits of physical activity

We wrote about some habits that can help you live longer here but the long and short of it is that human bodies weren’t designed to sit all day, every day. Even if it doesn’t feel like it after an aggressive sprint, our bodies reward us for being physical. For example, 30% of Americans say that they feel less stressed after exercising and 53% say they feel good about themselves after exercising.

This is doubly true as we continue through the COVID-19 pandemic. As public spaces, such as gyms, cycle open, then closed, then open again, it’s important that we don’t let that weirdness affect our ability to get in some kind of physical activity. Even if we have some form of disability, as 1 in 4 Americans adults have, the CDC suggests a level of moderate aerobic movement can help keep learning, thinking, and judgment skills sharp, especially as we age. Being active can keep us going longer, for better.

How to prepare your workout space

If you can’t go to the gym, or if you just don’t want to, that doesn’t mean your options are limited to what you can do. In fact, there’s an entire world of home gym set ups. From March – October 2020, sales of home gym equipment doubled to $2.3billion, and it doesn’t look like it’s going to stop anytime soon. Considering that companies and workplaces are still working out how best to adjust to more remote working realities, the separation between our work lives and home lives will continue to be blurred. If you’re working out from home, it’s important to designate times and spaces solely for that physical activity, to create a break in your thought process and click you into what tasks you need to accomplish.

Even if that space is the corner of your bedroom or a space in your garage, setting aside some time as well as space to get in some movement is a great way to break up your day, so that all the time at home feels less overwhelming.

Exercise programs

There are plenty of exercise programs that you can choose from, each one with a different focus and intensity level.


Noted for their famous bike, Peloton offers a wide variety of exercise programs beyond just peddling. They also offer strength training & treadmill based workouts, and all programs are accessible via their app. Even if you don’t have their bike or treadmill, Peloton offers a bevy of workout classes that can be enjoyed virtually.

Pure Barre

Defined as a full-body workout, Pure Barre is a barre-focused workout program that combines cardio, strength training, and stretching into a set of full-body exercise techniques. Named after the ballet barre (the wooden bar dancers stretch on to warm up), barre hones in on low-impact, high-intensity movements to achieve results.


While the sheer intensity of CrossFit can be amusing at times, the program has its successes. It’s estimated that 4 million people do CrossFit around the US, so the results are no laughing matter. This program offers a mix of high intensity physical exercise with the mentality of a competitive sport,  so it’s safe to say CrossFit has a very defined audience. According to their numbers, gender is split down the middle with men and women each making 50% of the gym memberships. And over 50% have an annual income of over $150,000. If you’re looking for an intense and competitive workout environment, CrossFit is for you.

Barry’s X

A mix of live and on-demand workout classes, Barry’s X is a community-driven virtual workout space. With areas focused on strength, cardio, strength & cardio (that’s how they separate them on their website, don’t come for us), and release, you can fit Barry’s X to meet your schedule.

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Zumba is a workout program that combines international music, dance moves, and alternate fast and slow rhythms to improve cardiovascular fitness. According to Mayo Clinic, aerobic exercise can help reduce health risks and boost your mood. In-person classes often feature numerous other participants, giving the workout a communal feel. Even if taken virtually, getting up and getting moving can help ease some of the stress of the day.


A tried and true classic, yoga is a wonderful way to wake up the mind and body. Tracing its origins back to India over 5,000 years ago, the practice continues to provide people a way to be active and get in touch with their body. Yoga provides a number of health benefits, including flexibility, reduced anxiety, and greater strength. If you’re looking to get active, but don’t have the space for a lot of equipment or heavy movement, yoga may be the perfect way to sneak in some physicality.

Which exercise is right for me?

There are more workout programs that we haven’t mentioned, but this is a good list to get you started to becoming more active and healthier. The one that works for you is the one you most respond to at the end of the day. If you don’t have a lot of space and you can’t go to a studio, try some yoga or Zumba. If you want something with more edge and intensity, CrossFit is your friend. Looking for something with a bit more direction and flexibility? Barry’s X can do that for you.

If you’re committed to being more active, whatever the reason, there’s a program that works for you and your needs. It doesn’t hurt to get up and try it, even if for only a session or two.

The opinions we expressed in this post are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations.