Attract, retain & differentiate deposits
Life Benefit enhances your deposit offerings with built-in life insurance, helping you attract more customers and retain them longer, all while promoting financial inclusivity.

Financial protection for your family
Term life insurance helps you protect your loved ones. Get the financial protection you deserve today.

Get family protection in less than 5 minutes
Coverage in 3 simple steps
Are you a Savings+ account holder and have questions about our recent changes? Get answers here
Time to make some Wyshes
See how our personalized approach can help you cover life's essentials should you pass away. We call these needs, Wyshes, which include debts, your kid's school tuition, and more.
Get the exact coverage you need
Use our Wysh Builder to identify your Wyshes and calculate how much coverage your life needs – no more, no less.
Keep track of your changing life
As your life changes, so will your needs. Manage your Wyshes as they evolve to ensure you cover the essentials.
Wysh Granters will be there for your family
Our dedicated team works side-by-side with the loved ones of those who have passed to help fulfill their Wyshes.
Empowering over 15,000 lives with financial security & peace of mind
Take a look at what are customers are saying.
Financial protection made simple
Learning about financial protection doesn’t have to be rocket science. Read fun and educational articles, and get answers to fundamental questions.
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